Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Wednesday Evening Updates
This is our third post today, but we're past the halfway point of our adventures in France and have so much to share with all of you at home! We've had a lovely day; here are some of the highlights!
Hey Mum and Dad and Aaron! I love it here! i hsve been so busy with activities an havent been homesick once (but i still cant wait to see you!xxxx) love ava xxx
Georgia: HEY Mum and dad and niamh I am having a great time here today. I absailed off a huge tower it was soooo fun , i miss you all! Say hello to the fish and i hope you dont miss meto much Lots of love GEORGIA xxx(p.s when i get home can u make me some pancakes :) xxxxxxxx
Cesar: The whole trip has been really great but I especially loved being on the lake and the river. It was really fun and you got to get people all wet!
Alexandra: Hi Mum, Dad, Georgia, Daisy, Coco, Omi, Opa and Andy! I'm having a great time, went canoeing today and nearly capsized my boat. Say hi to Matilda and Pippin for me and I'll see you soon!
hello mum dad and jimmy, I've been doing loads of cool stuff and I've been so busy I havn't had any time to be homesick love from lucy !!!!!!xxxxxxxx p.s say french sweets are on the way
We've got a lot of exciting things still to come including a disco and day trip off site where the whole of Year 6 will be together. Hope you're all well and keep checking back for more news!